Hello There 😄

I am Nirmal Karmani,
a software engineer 👨🏻‍💻
from Jakarta, Indonesia. 🇮🇩

About Me

I am a strong, independent learner with the ability to grasp concepts relatively quickly. I have always been an avid tech enthusiast and I am always intrigued to better understand how to engineer solutions using software to better improve human life. I love a good challenge and I am always on the lookout for the next one.

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  • Full Stack Development
  • Cloud Development
  • Microservices Architecture
  • JavaScript (NodeJS & Angular)


Sigar Indonesia (Jakarta, Indonesia)


June 2021 - Present

Sigar Indonesia is an early stages IT services start-up in Indonesia. Joined as a partner and director to help grow the business. Responsibilities include managing the organization, liaising with clients and managing the development of in-house software.

Dell Technologies (Cyberjaya, Malaysia)

Software Engineer 1

January 2020 - June 2021

Worked as a full-stack developer in the voice team with the sole responsibility of modernizing monolithic legacy applications to microservices based cloud applications using DevOps best practices. Job responsibilities included architecting, designing, developing and deploying the applications to the cloud.

Dell Technologies (Cyberjaya, Malaysia)

Software Engineering Intern

June 2019 - October 2019

Hired by Dell via participation in the Dell Hack2Hire competition. As a software development intern in the voice team, responsibilities includes performing bug fixes as well as UI updates on legacy VB .NET applications. While interning, also created an IOT based project using the MEAN stack and won an award for best Intern project.


INTI International University (Malaysia) & Coventry University (UK) - Dual Degree

Bachelors of Computer Science (Hons) in SW Engineering

Class of 2019

> CGPA : 3.97/4.00
> Felicitated with "The Best Student Award" during convocation ceremony.
> 3 x President's Honor Roll Award and 2 x Dean's Honor Roll Award.
> Chairperson and co-founder of INTI IEEE Student Branch, Career Services Student Ambassador, Committee Member of INTI IT Club.

Mahatma Gandhi School (Jakarta, Indonesia)

High School

Class of 2016

> Class valedictorian with aggregate percentage of 94.8% in Indian High School Boards Examination.
> 6A* 1A in Cambridge IGCSE.
> Served in school cabinet for deputy head boy and head boy.

Get In Touch

I would love to hear from you. Whether you have a question or just want to chat about design, tech or knowing what am I currently binge-watching — shoot me a message. 💫